Tuesday 29 November 2011

Digital Tool 1: Blogs for Learning (Group 1 Tools: Online spaces - Web 2.0)

Over the next few blogs I will be looking at different groups of tools. The first tool is Blogs for learning. I am currently using a blog right now to post my learning experience. To analysis a blog I am going to use a SWOT analysis.
  • Allows students to post their thoughts, feelings, research etc
  • Allows others to read and comment on the post
  • Allows postings, links, videos and text etc
  • Can be accessed at school or at home
  • Is an individual activity and unsuitable for group work  
  • Requires internet to access
  • Only the author can edit
  • Allows students an opportunity to submit their work / reflections in a digital and modern way
  • Integrates technology into the classroom

  • Is Internet based so the relevent precautions need to be followed as with any internet based program
One of my teaching areas is Biology / Science . A Blog would be very useful for students to use to blog about an experiment and others would be able to follow the blog and see the results as they are posted. Students would be able to go back through the posts and they would be able to see everything they had posted and how they were progressing. Teachers would also be able to access the blogs and read and provide comments to the blogs. It would be good for those experiments which require work  from home as students (providing they have internet access at home) would be able to post results straight away and would  not have to wait until they got back to the classroom.
Will allowing students to investigate and use blogs as part of their learning experience encourage more to participate in learning activities? It would be good !!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Reflection on Mobile Phones Wiki

Hello, today I am going to give my reflection on a mobile phones wiki activity that required the learners to 'put' different coloured hats on and give their opinion on the issue of mobile phones in the classroom. This forum seemed to be a social constructivism activity. According to our course readings, Constructivists believe that:
"learners construct their own reality or at least interpret it based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individual's knowledge is a function of one's prior experiences, mental structures, and beliefs that are used to interpret objects and events."
"What someone knows is grounded in perception of the physical and social experiences which are comprehended by the mind."
(Jonasson, 1991, cited in Mergel, 1998)
The wiki allowed each learner to add their own idea, and a range of perspectives were able to be gathered as the wiki was scaffolded in a way which supported thinking that allowed direction according to the sections that were available to be commented on.

After reading what others had written on the wiki, I choose to 'put' on the Black hat, this was the negative hat. I felt that I could only provide a negative opinion on the idea of having mobile phones in the classroom as I can see the massive distraction that they would prove to be. However after posting my comment and going back a few days later, the different perspectives allow you to go away and continue to think about the issue. Some peoples opinions were very convincing and at times I felt I could change my hat to a creative one as I could see and understand how mobile phones might be useful in the classroom if monitored correctly. This is one of the benefits in participating in a wiki. As I did, many people would go in and have a one track mind and give their opinion, however once they have the opportunity to read what others have said, like me many may find they want to change their hat. That's the great thing with a wiki .... you can voice your opinion and later as you read on you become more informed by what others have to say which helps re-shape the opinion you already had shaped in your mind.
It makes me ponder to myself .... oh how different things would be if people choose to firstly offer their opinion and then take the time to listen or read others, as you never know how your learning or opinion will be re-shaped when you take in what others have said on the same issue!!
I long to be someone that would not be one track minded, but rather be a learner who would continue to allow some of my ideas and opinions to be re-shaped as the future and technology changes.
Cheers Danielle

Friday 11 November 2011

My Learning Style

Wow.... what a very intereting activity to complete!! I have just completed a quiz which lets you know what your learning style is according to Felder and Solomon, based on the answers you provide. My results are; Active - meaning I like to study in a group and find ways to use the information meaningfully. Sensing - I understand infomation better if I can see how it connects with the real world. Visual - I try to find diagrams that help to better explain the information I am processing. Global - I need to ensure I have processed all the information before moving on to a new topic.
Another test I took was the Birmingham Multiple Intelligences which gets you to answer some questions and your individual results are turned into a graph. My results I found to be somewhat interesting to me as I love music but actually dont play and instruments or do many musical things ... I wonder if this test could help with profiling students? As well as profiling them by other means, and asking them directly it would be interesting if they too were able to complete this test and then comment if they thought it was accurate or if they thought it was nothing like them .... Maybe a test similar too this one could be used ? Oh the possibilities seem to be endless when you begin looking for different means of doing things and finding things out .... and this is just the beginning ..
well thats all for now ....

Cheers Danielle