Thursday 8 December 2011

Digital Tool 2: Wikis for Collaborative Learning (Group 1 Tools: Online spaces - Web 2.0)

Hello again, after working a little with Blogs (what I'm currently using) I have moved on to look at Wikis. I must say that I found the use of a Wiki a little easier then a Blog. The big difference was the use of scaffolded learning which I feel is best utilised in a Wiki. I have already touched on the use of a Wiki when I mentioned the activity using de Bono's six thinking hats. I had a go at setting up a Wiki of my own ... I'm afraid to admit but it is only very basic and does not have much content in it yet but it is a starting foundation. Anyone can set up a Wiki of their own, and depending on what you need it for, you might be surprised at how useful it can be if properly explored. I must admit, it is easy to get carried away while investigating these digital tools, however it is well worth the time to get to know how to use them as there are many ways in which they can be incorporated within the classroom. Examples of how others have utilised the tools within their learning environment and in their schools can be found on the web. When looking around I found there are wonderful ideas and examples on how to integrate this technology into learning designs and others have given me ideas on how I could integrate these tools within my own classroom one day. The SWOT analysis lets us see clearly the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;
  • Allows students to post their thoughts, feelings, research etc
  • Allows others to read and comment on the page
  • Allows links, videos and text etc in the postings (depending on how it is scaffolded)
  • Can be accessed at school or at home
  • Is usful as a whole group activity
  • Is a whole group activity which can be edited by anyone and everyone in the group
  • Requires internet to access
  • Students may delete others valid comments or opinions on issues etc
  • Allows students an opportunity to submit their work / reflections in a digital and modern way
  • Integrates technology into the classroom
  • Allows students to see what others have said about an issue or activity before jumping in and adding their opinions
  • Is Internet based so the relevent precautions need to be followed as with any internet based program

My teaching area of Legal Studies often finds students having a debate on different legal issues. The idea of students being able to access a Wiki that is scaffolded like the de Bono's six thinking hats and in other ways really excites me, as I can really see how the students would benefit from this type of activity. I have only looked / experimented with two different tools and I am already excited for what I might find when I begin looking at the others. Keep watching as I continue to explore and gather a better understanding of the tools which will one day enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Cheers Danielle

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