Wednesday 14 December 2011

Group 3 Tools - PowerPoint, Prezi, and Glogster

The next group of tools that are looked at are tools that help to present information. I have had alot to do with PowerPoint, but am unfamiliar with prezi and glogster. During my prac placement in a high school, nearly every classroom is fitted with an Interactive whiteboard. Teachers who would usually use a simple PowerPoint presentation can upload and open their PowerPoint presentations into activ inspire and totally change the PowerPoint to make it interactive and exciting for students. Because I have seen first hand the value of these in the classroom I know that it is something I could use confidently. Some examples that were given to us prac students of how you can first create a PowerPoint and than convert it to a interactive whiteboard presentation has been uploaded to my legal studies wiki. Yes I know it has nothing to do with legal studies but I tried to upload it to my website but couldn't, so have tried to uploaded it to the wiki which is also accessible from my web page. I can only find it when I search flip chart example ... I'm a little disappointed that I cant work it out :(
Prezi on the other hand, I found to be unorganised, and all the zooming began to give me a headache. As teachers we shouldn't have to go through information with students and point out the important parts. While teaching there is just no time for that, the learning experience should already be direct and too the point students don't need to be sifting through irrelevant information to find the important things. I only put on the PowerPoint's what I know the students need to know, and other interesting facts or images that help to explain and expand their knowledge. I don't think I could use prezi in my classroom, and feel it would not help me help the students achieve the required learning outcomes. But I have still given it a go and created a basic prezi.

Now I really love scrapbooks. . .  I do it in my spare time (not that I have alot these days) but oh, when you get started you end up with little bits of paper everywhere, not to mention buttons and other decorating materials. When I think about the younger grades, I can really see how glogster would be helpful in the classroom. I began to make my glogster account .... I was looking around and realised I was not in the education version .... this has happened a couple of times now ... I am slowly getting used to finding the correct pages though lol .... I guess that's all part of the learning ... making mistakes and turning around and trying again. I must say that I am really liking glogster. I must say it is fast becoming my favourite Tool from this group of tools. Want to see what I have created? Here is a little Glog (I think that's the term they use) that I had a go at creating ... I must say I am very impressed at how well this has turned out :)
Students always want to learn in new ways. . . . and some students get bored very easy, but I don't think they could get bored from using this tool. I think I have used up too much time on this tool ... and I keep changing the designs .. oh there is just so many to choose from... This has really been a great learning experience for me ... and I think I may have found my favourite tool in this group :P

Bye for now

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