Thursday 15 December 2011

My Synopsis

An act of travelling from one place to another - that is one of the many definitions of the word journey. With most journeys we have some idea of where we might be heading. But that is not how I felt when I started this E-Learning course. I had no idea where to start with all the different technologies. Sure I know what a computer is, and I know how to use facebook, but I found that many of the tools were new to me. So what is the point of E-Learning? Why is it important and what can we learn? It is important as, 'Changes in pedagogical practice involve the use of various technologies, tools, and e-content as part of whole class, group, and individual student activities. Changes in teacher practice involve knowing where and when (as well as when not) to use the technology for classroom activities and presentations, for management tasks, and to acquire additional subject matter and pedagogical knowledge in support of the teachers’ own professional development (UNESCO, 2008). I feel slightly embarrassed to say that I have grown up with technology at my finger tips, however I failed to use it to it's full potential.
"...learning is not something that just happens to you, it is something that you do to yourself. You cannot be 'given' learning, nor can you be forced to do it. The most brilliant and inspired teacher cannot 'cause' you to learn. Only you can do that."
                                                                               Dr. Robert Leamnson           
I had to question myself. How was I going to give myself the best chance at learning and how was I going to gain an understanding of these tools? First I began reading. Next I found myself completing an activity to find my learning style (see blog). This next activity I completed required finding my way through the group mobile phone wiki and putting a hat on. (see blog). Looking back I can see I was not very open to the idea of too much technology in the classroom and thought it was more of a distraction then a help. This activity has helped shape my thoughts on the issue and I feel in the future I would be wearing a better coloured hat (see blog).  

What have I learnt?
In the beginning I was misinformed and inexperienced with this new concept. I often wondered of the dangers of having all these different tools within the classroom, but if all teachers and students ad hear to legal, safe and ethical guidelines, than this shouldn't be an issue.(see Blog) 

Education Queensland identifies digital pedagogy as being "a new way of working and learning with ICT to facilitate quality learning experiences for 21st Century learners. Digital Pedagogy moves the focus from ICT tools and skills, to a way of working in the digital world". (p.3). This way of working in the digital world is what makes e-learning what it is, and if used correctly has the potential to support a transformation of learning which is needed for these tech savoy learners. I needed to keep reading, and get more informed about the different technologies available for teachers to use within the learning environments.

Tool Group 1 - Websites
These tools were all about online spaces. Places where people can go to share information with others. I looked at both Blogs and Wiki's (see links). I also had a go at creating my own wiki (see here). After I had a look at those tools I moved on to websites (see blog). I found websites to be interesting and I was able to link both my blog, wiki and glogster to my website.(see here). I choose this tool as I found it easier to navigate then the other tools. I also thought, when teaching Legal Studies, students might find it interesting to create a 'mock' website advertising their very own legal firm. They would be able to upload cases, give information on the services they provide and then present their site to the class. Students work could also be assessed by the teacher.

Tool Group 2 - Digital Videos
These tools were technologies which included - digital images, podcasts and digital video. My blog reflects all three tools (see here) however the tool I feel would be fabulous for my teaching context of Biology was the digital videos. This is because you are able to create movies (which was new to me) using photos, add music and words. In Biology we rely on digital images to help demonstrate different processes. I thought the students would learn alot, if they were able to create a digital video or their experiment. They might be growing mung beans, they could take 1 picture every day or every week and by the time the mung beans are fully developed and producing beans they would have a remarkable collage of photos which could be turned into a digital video. They could even record themselves and narrate what is happening over the course of the mung beans life ... what student wouldn't find that exciting. The videos could then be watched by the class and students could comment on what went well and what didn't (if some died etc) and they would be able to see exactly when this started to occur.

Tool Group 3 - Glogster
This group of tools were tools which help present information. I looked at PowerPoint, Prezi and Glogster (see blog). At first I thought I would be most inpressed with PowerPoint (when used with activ inspire). I didn't find Prezi too interesting, I had a go at one but it ended up giving me a head ache with all the zooming in and out. Then I came to Glogster (my glogster) ... Oh my it is sooo amazing! I had the most fun using this tool (and wasted the most time on it). What a great way to make a poster, or present an information sheet, or facts. When I was in school we used word in the form of brochure templates to create a world holiday etc. Oh how boring that was when I looked at glogster. Students would got crazy for this program. It could be used across most teaching contexts, and across most age groups (my 3 year old even had a go and he was as excited as myself). It is great for engaging students, and it lets you see their creative side. It allows you to upload pictures, music, videos all on exciting backgrounds with cute pictures as well. I'm proud to say I will be playing with this program long after this course is over.

Tool Group 4 - Google Earth and Google Maps
Lastly, we come to group 4 - There are a fair few tools in this category. Some I had heard of and other were new to me (see blog). The two that I feel would be great to use in my teaching context is Google Earth and Google Maps. Both programs allow students to leave their chair and go on a digital adventure without ever leaving the classroom. They could investigate what is happening around the world, the impact of different natural disasters, and also the change in the environment. It gives students a great basis for research and also allows them to compare what is happening here and now with what is happening around the world. I feel it is important for students to know how different things are here and what is actually happening out in the world. We hear alot of the global economy, and students need to be aware of this also as when they finish school they become part of the big picture and Google Earth and Google Maps has the ability to show them.

Prensky (2005) claims that if you cannot engage young people in education then you will enrage them, as future teachers, how are we going to engage our students. This course so far has been a huge eye opener to me. I realised that even though I have grown up as a digital native, I have not kept up with the ever changing world of technology. I have not continued to grow technologically speaking. I feel this is bad! As a future educator I need to be up to date with the current trends, be able to successfully engage my students and I want to be able to master the technology available for teachers to use in the classroom and integrate technology into my lessons and get the best out of my future students.
Therefore I myself have alot more learning to do!!


Education Queensland. (2008). Smart Classrooms BYTES. Retrieved from:

Prenksy, M. (2005). “Engage me or enrage me” What today’s learners demand. Education Review 40(5), 60-64

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2008), Competency Standards Modules, Retrieved from:

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Group 4 Technologies - Google Earth and Google Maps

After having a look through these tools, I was a little overwhelmed. I have not heard of many of these tools, so thought I was a little over my head. But after having a quick look I choose Google Earth and Google maps. What I like the most with these tools? Well that's easy. What a great way to learn about different locations throughout the world all with a click of a mouse! Studying Insect species or even endangered species, students could research where they live, what the habitat is like now and if there has been any change to the habitat in the past 5 years (missing vegetation etc). I also was thinking about a class excursion . . . all over the world . . . without leaving the classroom. I remember once... I was sitting at home bored . . and google earth came to mind... I did what any other bored person would . . .searched one of my old addresses, just to see what the street looks like now. I was amazed as the change that had occurred over time.While looking through the readings for this week. I enjoyed the idea of the 'Use this Google Maps Mashup to locate and learn about recent earthquakes around the world' These tragic events, not only earth quakes but tsunamis are happening all over the world. The ability to show students on a map where these things are happening gives them a better perspective of the world and the things in it. Once upon a time, this couldn't be done. If a bad natural disaster happened over seas it took months for the information to reach our shores, but now it is hear instantaneously. I believe that this is also a way to engage students. Show students where they have occurred, where the risk of one might be, the magnitude etc, get them to research the impact. The list of possibilities goes on and on . .  I have found that with most of the technologies . . . just when you think you know what to do, everything changes. But we have to be versatile and be able to change with it, and do our best to continue to learn and be updated on things we ourselves can use in the classroom.

Group 3 Tools - PowerPoint, Prezi, and Glogster

The next group of tools that are looked at are tools that help to present information. I have had alot to do with PowerPoint, but am unfamiliar with prezi and glogster. During my prac placement in a high school, nearly every classroom is fitted with an Interactive whiteboard. Teachers who would usually use a simple PowerPoint presentation can upload and open their PowerPoint presentations into activ inspire and totally change the PowerPoint to make it interactive and exciting for students. Because I have seen first hand the value of these in the classroom I know that it is something I could use confidently. Some examples that were given to us prac students of how you can first create a PowerPoint and than convert it to a interactive whiteboard presentation has been uploaded to my legal studies wiki. Yes I know it has nothing to do with legal studies but I tried to upload it to my website but couldn't, so have tried to uploaded it to the wiki which is also accessible from my web page. I can only find it when I search flip chart example ... I'm a little disappointed that I cant work it out :(
Prezi on the other hand, I found to be unorganised, and all the zooming began to give me a headache. As teachers we shouldn't have to go through information with students and point out the important parts. While teaching there is just no time for that, the learning experience should already be direct and too the point students don't need to be sifting through irrelevant information to find the important things. I only put on the PowerPoint's what I know the students need to know, and other interesting facts or images that help to explain and expand their knowledge. I don't think I could use prezi in my classroom, and feel it would not help me help the students achieve the required learning outcomes. But I have still given it a go and created a basic prezi.

Now I really love scrapbooks. . .  I do it in my spare time (not that I have alot these days) but oh, when you get started you end up with little bits of paper everywhere, not to mention buttons and other decorating materials. When I think about the younger grades, I can really see how glogster would be helpful in the classroom. I began to make my glogster account .... I was looking around and realised I was not in the education version .... this has happened a couple of times now ... I am slowly getting used to finding the correct pages though lol .... I guess that's all part of the learning ... making mistakes and turning around and trying again. I must say that I am really liking glogster. I must say it is fast becoming my favourite Tool from this group of tools. Want to see what I have created? Here is a little Glog (I think that's the term they use) that I had a go at creating ... I must say I am very impressed at how well this has turned out :)
Students always want to learn in new ways. . . . and some students get bored very easy, but I don't think they could get bored from using this tool. I think I have used up too much time on this tool ... and I keep changing the designs .. oh there is just so many to choose from... This has really been a great learning experience for me ... and I think I may have found my favourite tool in this group :P

Bye for now

Monday 12 December 2011

Mobile computing

Earlier in the course we were asked to complete an activity using de Bono's six thinking hats. I was one that choose to put on the negative hat (Black Hat) as I just couldn't get my head around how these could help the learning experience and thought it would just hinder the teaching and learning process. I must say that after looking at the information on Mobile computing I feel like my mind has been changed ... and not just a little bit ... but completely. Mobile computing has three links that I found to be very interesting I just have to share the links on my blog (mainly so I can find them later when the course is finished lol)
I have to say my favourite is the iPads in education. Looking through some of the uses I was so amazed. I have never seen an iPad used and look at everything you can do with it!! I can see how this could be VERY beneficial to the teaching and learning process. After looking through this I felt like going and buying one so my 3 year old could start learning .... because I feel by the time my 3 year old is in school these will be in schools too and I hope that I am one of the teachers that are using them with the students ... Oh I want one now to play with!! Well that's my dreaming for the day!
Cheers Danielle

    Legal, safe and ethical guidelines

    As mentioned in my previous blog, I am going to have a look at some legal, safe and ethical guidelines which need to be addressed. This was looked at in week 2 of my E-Learning course and because I am playing around and posting information in blogs, on wikis and on websites it is important to discuss the guidelines I will use when allowing my students to work in these online environments and use these technologies.
    The Department of Education and Training have a page on risk management which I feel is important. It states that:
    School's policy should include:
    • Obtaining informed parental/guardian permission if details of students, including photographs, are to be published by filling out the appropriate consent form Microsoft® Word document
    • Publishing the first name or photographs only when approved by the parent or guardian
    • Involving students over a particular age in giving approval for having their details and/or photographs published
    I believe that no details of students should be given out, as you never know who can hack in and access the information. It is not hard to make up a name of even say student A etc.
    This site also helped me gain a better understanding of what teachers are allowed to do when working in online spaces. It is worth reading as it also gives teachers scenarios of what can be done.

    Working in online spaces, and accessing online resources can be a great help in the learning process but also comes with great risks. The online space that is chosen by the teacher needs to be able to be monitored by the teacher to ensure the safe usage by the students. This may mean adding filters, or passwords to ensure certain educational resources or even wikis stay private. As you wouldn't want a stranger to be able to access the group discussion and be able to contact the students. The thought is scary. Not everyone uses the Internet and the technology in the right way. These resources have great potential to be used within our schools but only if they are used correctly.

    These legal, safe and ethical guidelines are not limited to online spaces. The appropriate permission needs to be gathered for the reproduction of any work that is not your own and this is important to remember as we play and create with the tools and information available for use. As a teacher for secondary students, I feel they may be more distracted when working online and may choose to go searching for trouble therefore these students may need stricter guidelines then say a class of yr 1 students when dealing with some of the technology available for there use. This could include group or paired work to ensure not only the teacher is monitoring the students but they themselves are also monitoring each other.

    We all have a right to feel safe when working online, and we need to set the guidelines and examples for the students to follow. This includes referencing our work too!! (where required)

    Cheers Danielle

    Sunday 11 December 2011

    Group 2 Technologies - Tool 4 - Digital Images, 5 - Podcasts and 6 - Digital Video

    So far in my e-learning journey I have had a quick look at Blogs, Wikis and Websites. All three have been interesting. Now I am going to have a look at the Group 2 tools of Technologies which includes - Tool 4 - Digital Images, Tool 5 - Podcasts and Tool 6 - Digital Video. Out of these tools I must say I have not heard a great deal of Podcasts. So I am hoping to gain a little insight into what a Podcast is and how it may help students learn. However I will begin with Digital images and work my way through the different tools.
    Thibaultm and Walbert in Reading images: an introduction to visual literacy say that, “Literacy” usually means the ability to read and write, but it can also refer to the ability to “read” kinds of signs other than words. After reading this I straight away thought of all the signs we need to be able to read / interpret when we are driving. How did we learn this skill? Well it is not something I usually think of ... who taught me this? Or did I just 'know' how to do it? Well of course someone had to teach me, and I guess it is one of those things you 'learn' without realising you have learnt it.
    When I think about teaching Biology, I really can see how images are needed and the need to be able to interpret images. Sometimes experiments require digital images to record information and in times like these students are going to need to know how to interpret such images. That's where wikis, blogs and websites have the potential to come in handy, as a place to post such findings.

    The activity for digital images was to resize images using MobaPhoto. I had a play with some photos of my own and was amazed at how easy it was to do and how good they turned out. I was surprised that the image quality didn't change when the photo resized.

    Podcasts ... as I mentioned at the beginning I had never heard of a podcast. I must say that after reading the information presented on podcasts, I am not convinced that I could use them within my learning context. I feel that students would get bored with just hearing voices and not seeing any images. It would be like watching a movie and hearing all the words but watching a black screen. I was unable to get my head around the technical side of making a podcast but have however searched other podcasts to see if I could find one that might be useful in the classroom. And have listened to some that are actually really interesting.. It changes my perspective on them a little and I find myself thinking ... just because I don't like the idea of myself using them, that doesn't mean I should stop my students using them, and I myself might gain more insight in the use of a podcast by watching others utilise them for their own work.

    The last tool for this group of technologies is tool 6 - digital videos. Now we all know videos are fun to watch. Some are funny, some are sad, some are informative and others just boring.  I know I used to love watching them when I was in school because I learned better this way, as opposed to just reading the textbook. I have always been a fan of videos being used in the classroom, not because it is a 'lazy' way of teaching as some might see it, but with Biology some things are better explained in motion, so I understand and value the use of digital videos within the learning environment. I could explain the process of Cell Division to the students and provide examples and pictures on the interactive whiteboard and this might really appeal to the students, but what about actually showing them a digital video on the topic. There are a range of videos available for teachers to show to students that help them make sense and process the information given to them. Introduction to Cells by Frank Gregorio gives a quick introduction to the topic of cells and there are others that show the process. I am not at all able to create this video it is so in depth nor would the students be able to, however they would be able to create a video of their own to show their interpretation on the topic, Or create a video on an assignment they are completing. I remember just recently in a Legal Studies class, the class was required to present an oral assignment on a legal issue of their choice. One student choose to record herself, playing a news presenter and I must say the students were so engaged with her video and presentation. It was a very creative way to present her assignment, and other students were wanting to have a go at doing one too. I had a go at making a video, using windows live movie maker. I must say I am surprised at how easy it seemed .... but maybe that was only because it is basic and not cinema quality :) but nevertheless I gave it a go.

    The images used in my video are all taken by myself and don't involve people .. just plants.... however there are always legal, safe and ethical guidelines which need to be used by teachers and students. In my next blog I will have a look at some of these guidelines and discuss how I will practise safe, legal and ethical guidelines within my classroom.

    Cheers Danielle

    Saturday 10 December 2011

    Digital Tool 3 - Creating a Website (Group 1 Tools: Online spaces - Web 2.0)

    I must say that I have never EVER created a website. I have heard of websites ... that's an easy one ... they show us information and some even allow us to purchase items. But how would they be useful in a classroom? I must say it has got me thinking about many different things while I look at this tool. I guess one thought is that a website is a way for a teacher to post information for students to be able to find, read and interact with and unlike a Wiki they wouldn't be able to edit the information. Students would be able to access the website from during class at school, and then again at home if they had not finished all the work or activities that were posted to the website. That is of course a website that has been made by the teacher. But what if students had the opportunity to create their very own website? I have just been experimenting briefly with the free websites run by Weebly. I didn't realise at the time that there is a education version which allows students to create a website which can be monitored by the teacher. I have began to play with and create just a normal Weebly account, however when I choose to create one for use in schools I will use the educational version. I haven't added much to my Weebly website and have only put some basic information on the home page, but looking around at the different links the possibilities are endless. The old days of students creating posters with different information for an assignment seems boring after looking at the Weebly websites. Students could even work in pairs, of small groups if needed or even work individually to create a website on Rome, China or even on an experiment they had completed. the possibilities are amazing ..... and what student wouldn't want to create their very own website. With the right encouragement and resources they have the potential to create something that is interesting, creative, and can even add movies, visual and digital effects along with information. I realise that the web can be a harmful place at times but with the correct monitoring and teacher input the students could be guided down a whole new learning experience .... and I would love to be a teacher that was able to utilise this wonderful technology and give my students a learning experience with a difference . . . I must say that this tool has excited me the most .. sure blogs and wikis have their place in the classroom but I feel a website creates a platform for a whole new level of learning and education that integrates ICT within the learning environment.
    I cant wait to have the spare time to continue playing with my website ...
    I might go do that now so cheers for now

    Thursday 8 December 2011

    Digital Tool 2: Wikis for Collaborative Learning (Group 1 Tools: Online spaces - Web 2.0)

    Hello again, after working a little with Blogs (what I'm currently using) I have moved on to look at Wikis. I must say that I found the use of a Wiki a little easier then a Blog. The big difference was the use of scaffolded learning which I feel is best utilised in a Wiki. I have already touched on the use of a Wiki when I mentioned the activity using de Bono's six thinking hats. I had a go at setting up a Wiki of my own ... I'm afraid to admit but it is only very basic and does not have much content in it yet but it is a starting foundation. Anyone can set up a Wiki of their own, and depending on what you need it for, you might be surprised at how useful it can be if properly explored. I must admit, it is easy to get carried away while investigating these digital tools, however it is well worth the time to get to know how to use them as there are many ways in which they can be incorporated within the classroom. Examples of how others have utilised the tools within their learning environment and in their schools can be found on the web. When looking around I found there are wonderful ideas and examples on how to integrate this technology into learning designs and others have given me ideas on how I could integrate these tools within my own classroom one day. The SWOT analysis lets us see clearly the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;
    • Allows students to post their thoughts, feelings, research etc
    • Allows others to read and comment on the page
    • Allows links, videos and text etc in the postings (depending on how it is scaffolded)
    • Can be accessed at school or at home
    • Is usful as a whole group activity
    • Is a whole group activity which can be edited by anyone and everyone in the group
    • Requires internet to access
    • Students may delete others valid comments or opinions on issues etc
    • Allows students an opportunity to submit their work / reflections in a digital and modern way
    • Integrates technology into the classroom
    • Allows students to see what others have said about an issue or activity before jumping in and adding their opinions
    • Is Internet based so the relevent precautions need to be followed as with any internet based program

    My teaching area of Legal Studies often finds students having a debate on different legal issues. The idea of students being able to access a Wiki that is scaffolded like the de Bono's six thinking hats and in other ways really excites me, as I can really see how the students would benefit from this type of activity. I have only looked / experimented with two different tools and I am already excited for what I might find when I begin looking at the others. Keep watching as I continue to explore and gather a better understanding of the tools which will one day enhance the teaching and learning experience.
    Cheers Danielle